User Guide

aiomultiprocess provides an interface similar to, but more flexible than, the standard multiprocessing module. In the most common use case, the Pool class provides a simple mechanism for running coroutines on multiple worker processes:

from aiohttp import request
from aiomultiprocess import Pool

async def get(url):
    async with request("GET", url) as response:
        return await response.text("utf-8")

async def main():
    urls = ["", ...]
    async with Pool() as pool:
        async for result in, urls):
            ...  # process result


For asynchronous jobs needing a dedicated process per job, the Worker class will run the desired coroutine on a fresh child process and and return the final result back to the main process:

from aiohttp import request
from aiomultiprocess import Worker

async def get(url, method="GET"):
    async with request(method, url) as response:
        return await response.text("utf-8")

async def main():
    result = await Worker(
        kwargs={"method": "GET"}

The worker process can also be started by manually calling the start() method, and the results can then be retrieved by awaiting the join() method:

async def main():
    worker = Worker(
        kwargs={"method": "GET"}
    result = await worker.join()

Process Pools

The Pool class provides an easier method of managing multiple workers, such as spreading jobs across a fixed number of worker processes and running multiple jobs concurrently on each worker.

Individual jobs can be queued using the apply() method:

from asyncio import gather
from aiomultiprocess import Pool

async def get(url):
    async with request("GET", url) as response:
        return await response.text("utf-8")

async with Pool() as pool:
    a, b, c = gather(
        pool.apply(get, ""),
        pool.apply(get, ""),
        pool.apply(get, ""),

Multiple jobs sharing the same coroutine can be queued using the map() and starmap() methods, which will automatically queue one job for each element in the iterable passed to it. The method can be awaited to get all results as a list in the same order as the inputs:

async with Pool() as pool:
    data = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
    results = await, data)
    # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

The map() and starmap() methods can also be iterated over to get results as soon as they are completed, while still maintaining the original order as the inputs:

async with Pool() as pool:
    data = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
    async for value in, data):

Advanced Usage

The default configuration of aiomultiprocess should be sufficient for most use cases, but it does offer the ability to change performance options for different workloads, and to better integrate with other frameworks.

Spawned vs Forked Processes

In the standard multiprocessing module, child processes default to “forked” processes on Linux (and macOS for Python 3.7 or older), and “spawn” processes on Windows (and macOS for Python 3.8 and newer).

By default, aiomultiprocess uses spawned worker processes, regardless of the host operating system. This provides the benefit of consistent behavior (“forked” processes aren’t available on Windows and have limitations on macOS) and also reduces the amount of memory used by the process pool.

However, this also requires that any objects or coroutines used must be importable from the fresh child processes. Inner functions, lambdas, or object types defined at runtime, cannot be serialized to these freshly spawned processes.

If forked processes are required, or if the “forkserver” method is preferred, the set_start_method() function must be called before creating workers or process pools:

import aiomultiprocess


For more detail, see the multiprocessing module documentation for Contexts and start methods


In some cases, there may be a need to run arbitrary code in the child process before accepting and running jobs. aiomultiprocess supports the use of an “initializer” function, and if given, will run this function with the given arguments in each child process, after the async event loop has been created:

import logging
from aiomultiprocess import Pool

def setup_logging(level=logging.WARNING):

async with Pool(
    initializer=setup_logging, initargs=(logging.DEBUG,)
) as pool:

Using uvloop

If you wish to use uvloop or some alternative event loop implementation, then you will need to tell aiomultiprocess which event loop initializer to use in child processes:

import uvloop
from aiomultiprocess import Pool

async with Pool(loop_initializer=uvloop.new_event_loop) as pool:

This is also available for use with individual Process and Worker objects:

import uvloop
from aiomultiprocess import Process, Worker

await Process(
    target=some_coro, loop_initializer=uvloop.new_event_loop
result = await Worker(
    target=other_coro, loop_initializer=uvloop.new_event_loop

Performance Tuning

Process pools offer five different options to tune the number and behavior of worker processes in the pool:

  • The processes value controls the number of worker processes the pool will create and maintain. With the default value of None, the pool will create enough workers for each CPU core available on the host machine. Any other positive integer value will instruct the pool to create that number of workers instead.

  • Setting maxtasksperchild to a positive integer value will make worker processes clean and respawn after the given number of tasks have completed. This can be used with long-running services, or memory-leaking libraries, to help reduce overall memory usage across the pool. The default value (0) will disable this and let worker processes live until the pool is explicitly closed.

  • The queuecount value controls the number of queues used by the pool. At high levels of throughput, queue contention may become a limiting factor, especially with a large number of worker processes. The pool will spread jobs across queues according to the scheduler used, and adding more queues (up to the number of active processes) reduces the number of workers assigned to each queue.

  • The childconcurrency value controls the maximum number of active, concurrent jobs each worker process will pick up from its queue at once. While the worker has accepted fewer than childconcurrency jobs, it will look for and accept more jobs from its assigned queue. When a job has completed, that frees a slot for a new job from the queue.

  • The scheduler for the pool controls how jobs are distributed among queues in the pool. The default RoundRobin scheduler evenly distributes jobs across all queues in round-robin order. Alternative schedulers may assign jobs to queues using arbitrary criteria, but no other scheduler implementation is available by default with aiomultiprocess.

Maximum concurrency of a process pool can be calculated as:

total_concurrency = processes * childconcurrency

The throughput of the process pool can be derived by knowing the average duration of a job at a given level of concurrency:

throughput = total_concurrency / job_time

The level of “contention” for an individual queue can be expressed as a function of the throughput of the pool in jobs per second:

contention = throughput / queuecount

Performance Considerations

Together, the tuning options above can provide optimum configuration for a wide variety of latency, throughput, and computation tradeoffs:

  • For computation-heavy workloads, it is recommended to lower the childconcurrency, keep queuecount < (cpu_count / 4), and use the default worker process count and scheduler. This will reduce latency of individual jobs and help prevent incidental timeouts.

  • For jobs that involve high-latency, low-bandwidth async operations, increasing the childconcurrency and queuecount values will increase the total concurrency and throughput of the process pool.

  • For optimal balance of workloads across all child processes, between all child processes, use a queuecount that is an integer divisor of the processes count, so that each queue has the same number of workers assigned to it.

  • For jobs with high variability in computation or duration, worker queues may become unbalanced. This can be mitigated with a lower queuecount, an alternative scheduler aware of queue sizes, or by queueing fewer jobs at a time and waiting for results before queueing more jobs.